Coaching Check-In Form Use this check-in to reflect on your progress this week and submit your questions for group coaching. Whether it's been a great week or not, I'm here to support you through the highs and the lows. What's your first name and last initial: * First Name Last Name What goals or wins have you achieved since your last check-in? What goals are you still working on? * What do you feel is working well so far? What challenges are you struggling with? * What can you do differently this week to help you overcome these challenges? * (Optional) If you have any documents you'd like to share with me for review, please attached the file link here. Do you have any questions for Q&A group coaching this week? Please be mindful of others during a group coaching call by sharing the opportunity to ask questions. If you have lots of questions, we may need to stay back together at the end of the call to get through them all. Which group coaching session will you be attending? * Check your time zone using this online converter( Please also check the date is correct as the first sessions at 8.30 am and 10.30 am AWST is on Tuesday evening for Canada & USA. Wednesday 8.30 am AWST (Tuesday evening USA/Canada) Wednesday 10.30 am (Tuesday evening USA/Canada) Wednesday 4.00 pm AWST Wednesday 6.00 pm AWST I'll be watching the replay I'm just checking in for my own self-reflection records